Officials play an important role in managing and allowing a match to be played safely, fairly and within the laws of the sport of Bowls.
Officials who are accredited through the National Officiating Accreditation Scheme are recognised by Bowls Australia, the STA and the Australian Sport Commission (ASC). Bowls Australia has 3 accreditation’s which once achieved last four years; Marker, Measure and National Umpire. These accreditation’s are skill based and requires specific competencies. Bowlers can choose to gain accreditation has a National Umpire which encompasses accreditation as a Marker and Measure or Bowlers can choose to just complete a Marker or Measurer accreditation depending on their interests and needs. This allows for flexibility for a club member to just officiate as a marker but not an umpire at their local club or allow a Third to brush up on their measuring skills.
The final step in the Officiating pathway is the International Technical Official (ITO). This accreditation is a World Bowls accreditation. The ITO accreditation is designed for those already accredited as National Umpires who wish to umpire at national and international events and on TV at events such as the Australian Open, Commonwealth Games, and Grand Prix events.
Accredited Coaches
Graeme Avery 0417 939 376
Robyn King 5971 4068
Mike Boucher 0409 006 252
Les Pimm 0402 1654 864
Neville Bradley 0408 658 516
Darren Mathers 0409 435 479
John Ogilvy 0422 636 394
Peter Pearson 0419 306 866
John Curtain 0418 391 390 (Club Coach)
Phil Crowder 0419 444 885
Accredited Umpires
Gary King 0419 289 480
Robyn King 5971 4068
Glenys Smith 9781 3931
Mike Boucher 0409 006 252
Philip Crowder 0419 444 885
John Ogilvy 0422 636 394
Accredited Markers
Brenda Ogilvy